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May 13, 2011

Packing With The Rain

At this very moment in time....i'm packing and its raining outside. You know the calming feeling sometimes sad that rain brings. Its the soft rain. Where it hides the sun and just is kind of depressing. Well..add packing alone to the mixture. I'm Packing up my dorm room. Several thoughts are running though my head. This is the end of my second year. Each ending there is packing. Realizing. Seeing all the things you've accumulated. Finding letters and pictures you once thought lost. Feeling sad, and confused and sometimes remembering things. Whats hard at the moment is be packing i'm away from Jash. I know that its silly. But this week we've been so busy with finals, school, packing, saying bye to friends taking pictures with people, and trying to spend time with one another has taken a back burner. This week i've seen him less than any week all semester. Plus last week I was sick and therefore was not with him. Summer has reached us and we are down to hours. I've already started the tears. To say bye to the person who you love more than hard. Yeah we will see each other to ride a bus down for orientation but then we have to say bye for 8 weeks and then another 2 days together and goodbye until school... its just hard. I'm a girl. A girl listening to the sad rain while packing alone. There is a feeling of time being still. That, the rain is washing away all the sad and worries. Worries of other people and whatever. The rain...its telling me to embrace these next few hours. Jash and I are going to spend the entire night together. No not like that. I'm talking about watching movies until the student center closes. Going to Walmart to get some packing stuff cause now i'm out of boxes. We are gonna sit at waffle house and talk. Hopefully end up at the dock to watch the sun rise. Then back to life and packing and goodbyes. I just..needed a minute to write all this down. ok..well i'm gonna shower and get ready. Thank you rain. Its time.

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