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Mar 21, 2011

6 Months!

So Today marks 6 months!! 6 months of dating Jash!! I have to say that this has been the happiest, most amazing 6 months of my life. I've dated guys before that have lasted over a year...but for the first time...i'm in a real relationship. In this relationship we have whats called communication. I've learned so much. There is a difference between dating someone and being in a relationship with them. In this relationship I've learned things about Jash. Sadly i've hurt him as well. Said things that were rude, mean and hurtful. Thankfully he has forgiven me. We've had our share of rough times. Even time where we were we no more. :( but after all of that we are now a better WE from it. Learning to lean on someone and to believe that he will be there has really changed me. I've learned that Jash loves me for me. Not for any physical aspect of our relationship. Not because we kiss or hold hands or that he has someone to go places with and share moments with. those are bonuses. He loves me because I am Emily. I'm who God has created me. I know its corny but its true. He shows me that he loves me to. :) he opens doors for me. Car doors and building doors. He cleans up after me and every day he gets my drink and lunch and dinner and refills it without me asking. I know I have taken advantage of him several times. I'm sorry love. He also drives me to walmart to get tampons or make up or junk food when I am in a mood. He made a promise to always buy me a snickers bar or chocolate every time i'm on my time of the month. ;) He is beyond wonderful. He lets me rant and rave and just talk when i need to vent. When we argue he knows more than half of what I say i don't mean and i'm just at a point that i'm rambling. He knows I hate to cry but he allows me to completely let it all out. He knows my flaws and where i'm weak. He knows that i'm selfish and that i'm not the best but he pretends. He for some reason pushes it all aside and loves me still. This man is amazing. Some people see a guy who talks a lot, and they label him as a "know it all". Some people think things and talk about him in ways not pleasing the Lord. But, Me...I love what he says. You may think he talks a lot but do you listen to what he says? He is very intelligent. He doesn't just speak to speak, what he says he has learned and studied. I don't care if you think he is using too many bible references or plays the God card or you get annoyed that he always shoots down your comment or opinion with the truth from the Word of God. Look... this to my future husband. When you know you know. God has given me a peace about that. I love how passionate he is about learning theology and challenging himself. He came to a bible school to debate topics and to learn and to be pushed. Sadly the majority of us here are here to be here... we complain about people talking too much about "taboo" conversations...Why else are you here? I love this man and I know that he is going to make a wonderful pastor one day. and Husband, and father. This man pushes me spiritually and I am greater for that. I love him very much. I know I've ranted about all kinds of things but when it comes to Jash... I can't help it. He is AWESOME! I look up to him and admire him. He is so wonderful. Romantic. Fun. Energetic. Crazy. Happy. Loving. Irresistible. With him i've never had such pure fun. I can laugh and be me with him. Stephen Jashub Comstock I Love you with all my heart!

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